Jewish Maghrib Jukebox

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Marrakech - November 3

I was now in Marrakech. I wanted to head to Aghbalou to see the last Jew in the Ouiraka Valley. He guarded the tomb of Rabbi Shlomo Ben Hensh. Unfortunately I was thwarted by tourists and the grand taxi mafia who wanted me to take the whole taxi. I could not find enough other passengers to make it worth my while. I decided to head back to town and meet my friends in the Laazma Synagogue in the mellah. It was nice to think that I had friends in Marrakech, especially ones who lived in a synagogue. They were both sick but very excited to see me. We sat for about a half hour together and exchanged stories. They had missed me at Yom Kippur but it was wonderful to catch up.

Marrakech was so busy. I thought the high season was over but the price to quality ratio of my hotel told me it wasn’t. I decided to get out of Marrakech by morning.

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