Jewish Maghrib Jukebox

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mellah of Marrakech – September 14

On Sunday we headed to the mellah with no serious operational plan but rather just to get a feel of the area. I planned on searching for two sites, the Laazama Synagogue and the cemetery – both of which are approximately 500 years old. As usual I approached two old men and they gave impeccable directions. I wanted to head to the synagogue first because I had heard from a friend of mine that the synagogue contained a map of the mellah. Once there I could take a picture and then print and study the map in order to return to Marrakech with a real understanding. I knew the synagogue was on 36 Derb Ragraga but it wasn’t difficult to miss. From the end of a narrow alley I could see at least three police officers. I knew I was in the right place. I entered to find a large tour group already there. They were Israelis, the first I had seen since arriving in Morocco. I approached one who seemed to be the leader.

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